Friday, October 7, 2016

Mind body

I dreamed of a fantastic scene. 
A future full of bright colors 
And mesmerizing scents.

And thus was time born.
Where was this future before I dreamed it?
Hadn't I dreamed it 
Would it have remained naught?

Time is a toy of the mind
And space is home to the body
But without the mind to note it
And without its device of time 
To brush colors on it
Space is only inert.

And so the mind with its time
And the body in its space
Compose the entity of me
A dance of experiences
Happening in a matrix
Endowed with self-devised meanings.

But who is the first born
The cause of time and space
The primal origin
Eternity before the dawn of time
Formlessness before the birth of space?

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