Saturday, September 21, 2013

In my father’s house

In my father’s house
There are many mansions.
Enough, for each one of us
For each, as his own wish.

In my Father’s house
In our Dear’s  compound
We have many mansions
Enough for everyone’s need.

The mansions, in our Father’s house
Shine in the morning sun
Dear and beloved
Precious like a pure stone,
Like a diamond.

For each, as his own wish
As per his dreams, and ambitions
And so they are designed
And built, and decorated
And carpeted, and gardened.

In my Father’s house
There are many mansions
Enough for everyone’s need
If it were not so, I would have told you
But it is so, and so rest assured.

September 2011


I felt the kiss of her lips 
Touching my cheek in the darkness
And I asked
How come I cannot touch your face
Tell me about it please
Is it back or white
Golden or violet?
And she laughed
In a melodious whisper
You speak so strangely my dear
My face does not have any color
Does perfection have a shape
Or purity any texture?
If you could describe it
It wouldn't be any more perfect
Since then you would toss and roll 
Slice and dice it
Till you find it in fault.