Wednesday, May 14, 2014

Titbits 2

Then the Oracle said the most incredible thing I ever heard her say. I was bemoaning the unfairness of Death when she declared:

~ But you have Sex as a compensation for Death.

~ What? -- I cried out. ~ Sex as a compensation for Death? How fair is it to compensate a loss of eternity with a pleasure of an instant? 

The more you do it the fairer it becomes! Said the Oracle

~ If every instant of life could be an orgasm, it wouldn't be fair enough.

~ Well-- she said again, ~ in the end that was your choice.


What progress? (She said) What change? What growth?

Your life itself is borrowed from death. Your days are stolen from darkness. Your joy from your sadness, and all of your thoughts from nothingness. You can never sum them up and arrive at any thing positive. It will be zero -- from nothing to nothing.


I went to the kitchen holding a giant bowl that was heavily greased with the oil from the stew I just ate for dinner. The microwave was on, heating up something. The timer on top of it indicated that it will run for 4 more minutes. I was busy washing up the oily bowl when the microwave peeped five times to indicate that the time was up. At that moment, it struck me that I just spent 4 minutes of my life washing a bowl. Four irreversible minutes consumed with a trivial task, without being consciously lived.

Time is finite, but the choice for action is almost infinite. And sometimes the arbitrariness and the triviality of the choices strikes you with an eerie sensation. 


When the man dies, his teeth say 'Now let's take break!'


What if a woman's love is just an advance payment for the future service of raising her kids?


A hungry heart would mold a lover from mud.


The first rule of writing is, she said, to write in first person form. Do not hide behind abstract subjects and passive forms. Write as a person normally speaks, and state your ideas directly. Loose-ended statements and half-finished arguments indicate that you are afraid to take a position. Open up and be vulnerable. Be willing to be refuted wrong.


You are a small nerve ending of a giant living universe.


What if the Big Bang was a Laughter of God, or maybe a Cry of Man?


What is life but a combination of gimmicks and tricks to remain sane and relevant?


The parks, the libraries -- and the real world in general -- are the first victims of the internet revolution.


An apparition is warmer than a facebook friend. In the floods of information it unleashed on me, facebook drowned itself. Like tumor, it is growing too much to kill itself.

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